
JUnit style guide

A load test style guide for JUnit (and AssertJ).

Soft assertions

AssertJ assertions are ‘hard’ by default - the first failing assertion stops the test. This is unhelpful when asserting on a POJO, so use SoftAssertions instead.

public class PetStoreTest {
    private static final LoadTester loadTester = LoadTesterFactory.getLoadTester();
    public void shouldFindPets() {
        final Result result = loadTester.run(requests);
        assertSoftly(s -> {
            s.assertThat(result.getResponseTime().getPercentile(75)).as("p75 Response Time").isLessThanOrEqualTo(Duration.ofMillis(500));
            s.assertThat(result.getPercentOk()).as("Percent OK").isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(99.99);
            // and so on...

Custom assertions

Follow the AssertJ custom assertions guide to write assertions on Result which are relevant to your SLO.

Note: The custom assertions class must be proxied through SoftAssertions for the same reason as normal assertions.

Advanced: One assertion per test

This style might be more readable if your SLO has many requirements.

public class FindPetsTest {
    private static final List<Request> requests = Arrays.asList(Request.get("/"), Request.get("/pets"));
    private static final Supplier<Result> result = LazyLoadTester.run(requests);
    public void shouldSatisfyP75ResponseTimeThreshold() {
    public void shouldSatisfyPercentOkThreshold() {

To use this style you need to defer load test execution until a test requires it, to avoid blocking test suite initialization while the LoadTester executes.

Java does not yet support lazy evaluation, so we must emulate this with a utility function that returns a Supplier<Result>. Here is an example:

public class LazyLoadTester {
    public static Supplier<Result> run(List<Request> requests) {
        // The memoize step is critical: it ensures that a given LoadTest4jSupplier is only run ONCE.
        // Either write your own memoizer, or use your favorite library.
        return Suppliers.memoize(new Loadtest4jSupplier(requests));
    private static class Loadtest4jSupplier implements Supplier<Result> {
        private static final LoadTester loadTester = LoadTesterFactory.getLoadTester();
        private final List<Request> requests;
        private Loadtest4jSupplier(List<Request> requests) {
            this.requests = requests;
        public Result get() {
            return loadTester.run(requests);