
ScalaTest style guide

A load test style guide for ScalaTest.

First write a companion object which will encapsulate loadtest4j and the Java conversions:

object LoadTester {
  private val loadTester = LoadTesterFactory.getLoadTester
  def run(requests: Seq[Request]): Result = {

Then write your load test.

We recommend the following pattern of:

class FindPetsLoadSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { 
  private val requests = Seq(Request.get("/pet/findByStatus")
                                    .withHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                                    .withQueryParam("status", "available"))
  // NOTE: Lazy evaluation ensures this executes at test time - not at class initialization.
  private lazy val result = LoadTester.run(requests)        
  behavior of "Response Time SLO"
  it should "handle 90% of requests in 500ms" in {
    result.getResponseTime.getPercentile(90) should be <= Duration.ofMillis(500)

  it should "handle 99% of requests in 3s" in {
    result.getResponseTime.getPercentile(99) should be <= Duration.ofSeconds(3)
  behavior of "Survival Rate SLO"
  it should "successfully handle 99.99% of requests" in {
    result.getPercentOk should be >= 99.99